Courage To Acknowledge And Accept

Courage To Acknowledge And Accept

Courage To Acknowledge and Accept Suffering from Depression is a very private affair. It is made more so because of the stigma one experiences when someone acknowledges or declares they are depressed. Illnesses which comes with accompaniments like...

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How To Identify Disabilities In Young Children

How To Identify Disabilities In Young Children

Parents often overlook simple signs of possible disabilities in young children. Priyanka Podder of MHF Kolkata shares some parental tips on how to identify such disabilities Tips for identification of disabilities in young children: The child has delay in...

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Morning Raga: Shakespeare Sonnet

Morning Raga: Shakespeare Sonnet

If you have been deceived in love and feeling low, read Shakespeare’s Sonnets. MHF Kolkata recommends this sonnet that will help to overcome any ill feeling Take all my loves, my love, yea take them all; What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? No...

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How To Teach A Child ‘Safe & Unsafe Touch’

How To Teach A Child ‘Safe & Unsafe Touch’

Shatabhisha Chatterjee, Consultant Clinical Psychologist with MHF Kolkata, shares tips with parents on how to teach children ‘Safe and Unsafe’ touch Teaching safe and unsafe touch can make a child sceptic about everyone, till they learn to define their...

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Reconciling To Loss

Reconciling To Loss

Sreemoyee Sen Ram, MHF Kolkata Co-Founder, speaks on how to come to terms with ‘Loss’ and emphasizes ‘One should not grieve alone’ It is extremely difficult to come to terms with any loss. Grief is a normal, healthy response to loss. Grief or bereavement...

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World Schizophrenia Day: Mhf Special

World Schizophrenia Day: Mhf Special

Dr. Abhiruchi Chatterjee, Consultant Psychiatrist, MHF Kolkata, speaks on Schizophrenia, the illness that is often not recognized or treated, leaving many homeless It was a morning in month of August, 2012, a man unkempt, untidy, was lying near garbage in...

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Stem-Cell Therapy Vs Autism Spectrum Disorder

Stem-Cell Therapy Vs Autism Spectrum Disorder

Manisha Bhattacharya, Consultant Clinical Psychologist with MHF Kolkata asks if Stem Cell Therapy has a significant effect for children with ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that is characterized by difficulties in...

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